
(For writing samples, please click here to visit my shared Google drive folder. Permission to view but not download.)


Women and the Business of Performance in Eighteenth-Century England

Much of my research concerns the various ways in which women crafted professional careers as musicians in eighteenth-century England. I look beyond the acts of composition and performance to adopt a more holistic view of how women engaged in musical activity, from acting as business agents, to becoming impresarios, to being music teachers.


Musical Miscellany

My first monograph argues that musical miscellany—the deliberate assemblage of smaller musical pieces into a larger musical whole—came to define music in England in the early eighteenth century as the nation grappled with extraordinary demographic, social, and cultural change. Analysis of how musical miscellanies were compiled and received gives new insight into what early eighteenth-century audiences were listening to on a nightly basis, revealing new musical canons and ways of musical consumption.

Published Works:

“Beauty, Voice, and Wit: Learning Courtship and Conduct Through Song in Eighteenth-Century Britain” (Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, 2023)

“Handel as Miscellany” (Eighteenth-Century Music, 2023)

The Power of Pastiche: Musical Miscellany and Cultural Identity in Early Eighteenth-Century England (Clemson University Press, 2021)


Music and Theater in Eighteenth-Century England

Much of my work centers on the intersections of music and theatrical performance (opera, incidental music, and concerts) on the London stage.